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7 Options You Can Use To Increase Help For Your Mental Health
By Stan Popovich
April 28, 2024

  stan popovich
Stan Popovich

Are you having trouble finding places to get some assistance for your mental health?

Nowadays, many places have waiting lists, and some places can be very expensive. This can be very frustrating when you need help right away.

As a result, here are 7 options you can use to start the process of getting some assistance as quickly as possible.

1. Contact your doctor: Your doctor is a great source in finding available mental health resources in your area. Explain your situation to your doctor and ask if he or she knows of anyone that can help you. Chances are your doctor will be able to give you some referrals.

2. Go to the nearest hospital: Your local hospitals can give you immediate assistance for your mental health issues. The people who work at a hospital know of other professionals in your area that can provide you with additional treatment. In addition, some hospitals may offer various mental health services that are available to the public.

3. Talk to the insurance companies: Your insurance company can provide a list of mental health services and other treatment programs that are covered in your health plan. If you do not have health insurance, you could still contact some of those companies and see if they can point you in the right direction regarding your current circumstances. There could be some affordable programs in your area that you do not know about.

4. Talk to the local churches: Your local churches may know of programs in your area that you could go to in overcoming your anxieties and stresses. Many churches offer mental health and addiction programs that anyone can take advantage of. A priest or minister can also provide additional advice to your situation.

5. Find a support group: There are all kinds of mental health support groups that can help you with your issues. Go to a support group in your area and meet people who are also struggling with addiction and depression. A person can go on the internet or talk to some of the local mental health organizations to get more information about what is in their area.

6. Network with your others: Many people have dealt with fear and anxiety sometime in their life. Talk to the people that you trust to see if they have any suggestions on where you can go for some assistance. Make sure that your friends can keep things confidential and do not get into the habit of giving out too much personal information to others.

7. Contact your local mental health organizations: There are many private, public, nonprofit, and governmental organizations that specialize in various mental health services that you can talk to for some assistance. The people at these places can give you some ideas on where you can find some mental health programs and counselors that can help you right away.

Stan Popovich is the author of the popular managing fear book, A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear which covers a variety of techniques that can drastically improve your mental health.. For more information about Stan’s book and to get some more free mental health advice, please visit Stan’s website at

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