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New artists featured at the Art Market Gallery
June 10, 2023

KNOXVILLE -- The Art Market Gallery is featuring a variety of talented artists during the month of June.

art gallery june artists

Cindy Marrazzo is an engineer and Vietnam Marine Veteran who is an international painter and portrait artist. She uses math and science and sometimes Marine discipline to deliver realistic details to every scene, while her use of darks and lights provide amazing light to her paintings.

Charlotte Brindley does highly detailed oil portrait paintings inspired by the Italian Renaissance and the Pre-Raphaelites, which includes layers of jewel tones, intricate designs, and symbolist overtones.

Pebbie Mott renders impressionistic palette knife paintings in oil and acrylic and is a graduate of the Ringling School of Art and Design.

Gary Taylor paints with colorful acrylics and is inspired by nature and his Tennessee surroundings. He also makes porcelain jewelry.

Julie-Boisseau-Craig is a glass artist who creates both functional and sculptural pieces as well as copper and glass jewelry.

Sherrie Wilson is a Shibori weaver who weaves wearable art and dynamic wall pieces.

The exhibit will run through June 30th.

For further information please visit the Art Market Gallery website.

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