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The Emporium Center celebrates 100 local artists' works

emporium center art exhibit
George Denninger - 1000 Years (Digital on canvas, oil on wood)

The Arts & Culture Alliance proudly presents its 2021 Members Show, the largest annual exhibition of local artists in the Greater Knoxville area.

dance me to the end of love by ling lu
Ling Lu - Dance me to the end of love (Watercolor)

The fresh mix of two- and three-dimensional works created within the last two years encompasses a wide variety of media such as oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, mixed media, photography, fine craft, sculpture, ceramics, fiber, and more from regional artists who are all individual members of the Arts & Culture Alliance, which serves and supports a diverse community of artists, arts organizations, and cultural institutions.

thermed chair by brian horais
Brian Horais - Thermed Chair (Turned and shaped woods)
jurgen dopatka vintage uncola
Jurgen Dopatka - Vintage UnCola (Photography: Archival print, ed. 1/50)

“This exhibition is traditionally a highlight, and for us, represents a culmination of a year’s productivity on the part of Knoxville’s diverse and enthralling artist community,” says Liza Zenni, Executive Director for the Arts & Culture Alliance.

resting brookie by michaelanne collins
Michaelanne Collins - Resting Brookie (Mixed media, paper collage)

Individual members of the Alliance participate locally and regionally in gallery exhibitions, art festivals, sculpture trails, weekend shows, studio tours, and public murals. Some of the members are full-time artists, while others have day jobs and create on evenings and weekends. Some Alliance members include art professors with the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Carson-Newman University, Maryville College, Pellissippi State, Roane State, and Walters State. Others are teachers within Knox and surrounding county’s elementary, middle and high schools.

henley street bridge by elle colquitt
Elle Colquitt - Henley Street Bridge (Photography)

Some Alliance members teach classes privately or through community classes with the Appalachian Arts Craft Center, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Fountain City Art Center, Knoxville Arts & Fine Crafts Center, Knoxville Museum of Art, Mighty Mud, and Oak Ridge Art Center. Many of the artists have working studios in their own homes, while some are part of studio collectives such as The Emporium, 17th Street Studios, Broadway Studios & Gallery, Knoxville Community Darkroom, Mighty Mud, Relay Ridge, and West Fifth Studios.

santa fe acrylic on canvas
Sandi Burdick - Santa Fe (Acrylic on canvas)

Please join us to celebrate these artists!

Sandra Ange, Sarazen AnYin, Michelle Barillaro, Ann Birdwell, Linda Blair, Neranza Noel Blount, Mary Bogert, Barbara Bolton Cornett, Vickie Bradshaw, Stephen Brayfield, Betty Bullen, Bruce Bunting, Sandi Burdick, Jan Burleson, Sheila Chesanow, Pat Clapsaddle, Larry Cole, Michaelanne Collins, Elle Colquitt, Bill Cook Jr., Michele Croslin, Yvonne Dalschen, George Denninger, Jenny Dennis, Jurgen Dopatka, Adrienne Dye, Bailey Earith, Rodney East, Susana Esrequis, Sara Farnham, Brenda Fieser, Patricia Fitchpatrick, Matvey Ganusov, Elena Ganusova, Nycole Gentry, Carl Gombert, Jessica Gregory, Don Grogan, Kit Hoefer, Brian Horais, Lorraine Jacques, Judy Kelley Jorden, Cheri Jorgenson, Jeanne Kidd, Andreas Koschan, Greg Lach, Kat Lewis, Bonnie Licata, David Liles, Bill Long, Ling Lu, Shelley Mangold, Renee Mathies, Marty McConnaughey, Kate McCullough, Sylvia Milanez, Susan Miller, Allen Monsarrat, Carolyn Moore, Anne Namey, Mary Nietling, Mary O'Neill, Tom Owens, Rebecca Parr, Jessica Payne, Elizabeth Porter, Cheryl Prose, Kerry Remp, Lennie Robertson, Chris Rohwer, Robin Rohwer, Adam Rowe, Mary Ruden, Mary Russell, Anna Rykaczewska, Sheryl Sallie, Pamela Salyer, Mike E Sandlock, Marcia Shelly, Ralph Shick, Esther Sitver, Tracye Burnett Sowders, Betsy Spooner, Bethany Stahl, Terri Swaggerty, Robert Thompson, Lyndsey Ullom, Houston Vandergriff, Winkler Wendy, Judy Overholt Wheeler, Carl Whitten, Marcy Wielfaert, Marianne Woodside, Tonya Wunder, Camilla Younger

This exhibition is on display now through December 23, 2021.

Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM and Saturdays (December 4 and 11 ONLY), 10 AM – 1 PM.

Over 5,500 parking spaces are free on weeknights when you enter the garage or lot after 6:00 PM. Find your parking spot!

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